JPAbusiness (JPA) is a business consulting firm that can help you with everything from initial valuation, to general advice, to final transaction. Things were working just fine, but the business had noticed a few new challenges on the horizon and needed to adapt.

Their website was showing its age, and they were eager to expand their client base and open up additional income streams. As all consulting based businesses know, time is almost literally money. As a small business that’s primary income was tied directly to a select few’s billable time, JPA decided they needed to take a fresh approach to drive growth and financial stability.

What they needed:

  1. A modern Website with Enhanced Functionality
  2. Creation of a Membership Portal
  3. More revenue streams
  4. Better ways for customers to pay

How they got there:

  1. An end to end wireframing process
  2. A comprehensive website redesign
  3. Implementation of Subscription-Based Consulting Services
  4. Integrated payment & subscription system with Stripe

Where did JPA want to go?

JPA’s journey began with a significant challenge—a dated website that was not conducive to their growth ambitions. They needed a platform to attract and retain clients, making them less dependent on the owner’s time.

They wanted more than just a makeover, though. JPA aspired to provide a unique value proposition to their clients, offering a business health check tool on their website. This interactive questionnaire would allow clients to assess the health of their businesses and identify areas requiring assistance.

And just one more thing… they wanted to implement seamless payments and subscriptions for memberships via Stripe to ensure that financial transactions were both secure and user-friendly. All these complex needs had to be efficiently integrated within HubSpot, creating a cohesive ecosystem that empowered JPA to manage their operations and engage with their clients in a more efficient manner.

How did we get them there?

To transform their business, we needed several detailed discovery sessions. We went through a wire-framing process to outline how users would interact with the website, how they would purchase, and how they would interact within the portal to access the various services and functionality. A complete website redesign and rebranding exercise ensured consistency in appearance and functionality. All these changes were completed and are continually managed within the HubSpot CMS, providing a centralised platform for operations.

When you take a step back and think about combining a new website and integrated payment system with a self-serve business health check evaluation that customers can use to qualify and disqualify themselves with, it’s actually easy to imagine how transformative this could be for any financial consulting business. The culmination of these things triggered a surge in lead generation, with notably better and hotter leads. JPA has seen more sign ups month over month than ever before. Getting new customers isn’t the only benefit JPA is seeing – they’re also reporting less churn. Simply put, customers are sticking around because they’re enjoying their experience in their member portal and can access all of their needs in one place.

With our expertise and the versatility of HubSpot CMS, JPA can think a little bit more about vacation time and a little less about billable time.

The impact
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Sales and Marketing teams were already familiar with HubSpot for basic lead tracking and marketing activity. They could perform tasks quickly and easily,

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