Is it Creepy?? Tracking your website visitors / leads

By Michelle O'Keeffe on Jan 14, 2015
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I know, I know. Tracking your website visitors sounds a bit creepy/stalky… but what if it benefits both parties?

Google Analytics is one of those great free tools that allows you to get a general idea of what is working well and allows you to set some basic goals. Seeing what your website visitors are up to can give you some great insight into what content is driving traffic and sales through your website.

But… Wouldn't it be great if we could take these analytics right down to the user level and see what someone has actually been doing and then use this data to customize the users experience to deliver more of what they want? What if that boring old sidebar could come to life and update itself with content or offers the user is actually interested in?

I'm assuming you said HELL YEA lets do that...

Using these advanced tracking tools can really help you and your sales team determine which leads are worth chasing after… or which need to be marketed to for a bit longer before being sold to.

When you track all this data you can customise the calls to action on your website a user receives to be based around their actions. For example: If they look at a few pages about "Pot Plants" and click on a few emails about the same topic you could then automatically swap content / calls to action on your site for a coupon for "20% off all pot plants".  These dynamic calls to action can greatly increase the click through rate on these offers as they deliver more value to the visitor.

You can also use the same data to send them emails on the same topics. Eg. We know they are interested in pot plants so lets send them some more useful info on the topic and further delight this person.

All this data can be integrated into your CRM system (Sales Force etc). This can be fantastic for B2B sales teams as they instantly know what the lead is interested in before picking up the phone. Turning a cold call into a luke warm one where they at least have a chance to add value before getting hung up on.

Lead scoring can also be of benefit for sales teams. If your are generating a significant amount of leads through your website it can be important to score these leads based on all the data collected and then assign them to the best sales consultant for the best results.

What does this data look like?

Below is a screen shot of some of my activity:


Ok ok, it looks creepy...  But if it helps you better delight your customers it's a win-win in my books.

Michelle has been in marketing strategy for over 20 years. Michelle got involved in Engaging from Day 1 with the conviction of creating a business that ‘does great work with great people’, including clients, partners and staff. A born problem solver, she immerses herself in clients’ businesses and reconstructs their sales & marketing activities to ensure they operate to deliver directly on the business’ objectives. Michelle is passionate about maintaining a company and company culture that leaves the world a better place than we found it.

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