Build custom modules with HubSpot Programable Email Developer

By Ralph Vugts on Aug 13, 2021
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HubSpot is has been working on a powerful new feature called "programmable email". This will allow you to build dynamic emails containing any of the crazy conditions you can hope to come up with. 

For example if you have certain properties tagged on a contact you can swap out messaging on the email based on these data points and make the content more relevant to that person.

Previously you would need to create an email list segmented by that property and then send a separate email and repeat until you were done. It also helps simplify email workflows as the logic can now reside in the email template versus having to branch out to the workflow itself. 

No match? No worries - if a contact is missing or does not match any of the logic we can easily default back to standard messaging. 

Once the modules have been developed, marketing users can simply drag and drop them into their email templates, select any required options and hit send! 

HubSpot programable email beta email template development

Custom Objects - Super charge your HubSpot email templates

If you have some other data source that you would like inserted into your email template using Custom Objects, HubDB will allow you to pull this data directly into your template. 

We recently created a customised franchise headers and footers for one of our clients. Each contact had a franchise ID stored on their record. We then would look up additional franchise info from a custom object in HubSpot. If found, we would personalise the email with franchise details. 

Perviously you could only do this by storing these details on the contact record itself and using personalisation tokens. But this becomes a nightmare to manage as you have to update every contact versus just updating the franchise details once via the custom object. 

Need help creating programable email modules? 

We can help you get up and running quickly with custom modules and custom objects. Get in touch here

Ralph has been developing websites and systems for nearly 20 years. Passionate and curious, he’s an a-typical developer who understands how users interact with the systems he builds. He understands that systems need to be human-friendly. Ralph loves working in an industry that is constantly changing and disrupting itself.

Get in touch, We love to talk